

Social Development: (社会交流能力)
- Can be a friend (可以容易地跟别的孩子成为朋友)
- has the capacity to lead (有一定的领导力)
- respects the feelings of others (尊重别人)
- participates in structured group activities (参加有组织的活动)
- takes turns and shares (愿意与别人分享)
- is learning to use his words (学会用自己的话描写东西)
- is enthusiastic about school (踊跃参与学校课程及活动)
Social development with adults: (与成人交往能力)
- Relates well to teachers and friends  (跟大人和老师能友好相处)
- accepts and respects limits (做事情有“度”)
- display good listening skills (愿意倾听)
- responds to adult direction (尊重大人的命令与要求)
Emotional Development: (情商发展)
- Takes pleasure in activities (从一些活动中感到乐趣)
- Plays alone happily and in groups (喜欢参与团队活动)
- Enjoy new experiences (喜欢新鲜事物)
- Accepts changes in routine (接受改变)
- Copes with frustration and anger (会压制自己的不满和愤怒)
- Takes pride in accomplishments (能从成功中感到骄傲)
Physical Development: (身体发展)
- Fine motor skills and coordination (对刺激会做出反应)
- Large muscle control and coordination (动作协调)
- Speech development (讲话程度)

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